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August 2nd & 3rd 2024
brought to you by the Stevensville Civic Club

Creamery Picnic Food & Concessions
Food Vendors: Image
1. Nature of Contract - This Contract entitles Concessionaire to conduct business as is set forth in this Contract and only during the term of Friday, August 2nd and Saturday August 3rd. Concession business may not be conducted prior to the specified dates. Concessionaire is entitled to sell food, candy, and non-alcoholic beverages, such as pop, lemonade, etc. Concessionaire is not entitled to sell non-alcoholic beer or wine.
2. Space - Concessionaire shall be entitled to use only the space that will be assigned. Spaces for self-contained vending units will be allowed a space of 24 feet X 12 feet. Spaces that be for a booth and the vendor will need to provide their own cover. Each of those spaces will also be 24 feet X 12 feet. The assigned space is for the sole use of the individual Concessionaire. No Concessionaire is to sub-lease or in any way allow any other person or business to use their contracted space. This Contract, in whole or in part, cannot be assigned without the written consent of the Stevensvillle Civic Club (SCC). The SCC shall have the right to inspect the premises at any time. The SCC may at any time, on written notice to Concessionaire, alter or change the location of premises identified in the Contract. Concessionaire agrees to move, at no cost to the SCC, to a new location immediately upon receipt of written notice.
3. Set-Up – You may set up as early as 8:00 a.m. on Friday. No vehicle access in Lewis and Clark Park will be allowed between the hours of 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. other than to provide product to your space on Friday. The same will be true on Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Please plan accordingly.
• Past vendors are not guaranteed a spot, spaces are first come-first serve.
• Actual spaces numbers/locations will be provided upon arrival.
• Each rental agreement is reviewed and acted upon in the best interest of the SCC on an annual basis.
• Spaces will be assigned on a first come-first serve basis. We cannot accommodate special requests for spaces.
• Concessionaire's registration fee must be paid at the time of registration. If Concessionaire is unable to pay the full registration at the time of registration, email for possible arrangements.
4. One vehicle pass will be granted per Concessionaire. Please plan deliveries accordingly.
5. Food/Beverages to be sold – Concessionaire requests to sell the following items: (named in registration form)
SCC will try to limit duplicate food items that are sold at the Picnic, however, we make no guarantee that you will be the only vendor selling a certain item.
6. Electrical Requirements – SCC will provide each space with 2-20 amp breaker with 110 service. If, upon arrival at the SCC, electrical needs of Concessionaire have changed or increased, approval must be sought from the SCC electrician before any hook- up will occur. It may be determined that additional electrical service is not available. If additional electrical service is provided, a charge of $50 usage fee will be imposed for each additional unit.
**This must be requested at time of registration!!!**
The SCC does not provide extension cords. All extension cords must be 3-prong and in proper working order. The SCC shall not be responsible for any loss arising out of Concessionaire’s use of premises nor for loss or damages resulting from power interruptions or utility failures. No generators of any kind will be allowed.
7. Removal of Equipment - All equipment must be removed from Lewis and Clark Park and the area cleaned by no later than 12:00p.m. on Sunday, August 4, 2023. Any equipment remaining in Lewis and Clark Park after this date shall be subject to a late fee of $150.00 per day. If, after 7 days from the close of the Creamery Picnic, the equipment has not been removed, it shall become the property of the SCC, and may be disposed of by the SCC as it sees fit. Concessionaire agrees to pay for the cost of the disposal of the booth.
8. Operation - Concessionaire agrees to operate the Concession booth in a safe, sanitary, courteous and responsible manner. Concessionaire shall comply with all state, local and other applicable health regulations. The SCC reserves the right to prohibit any aspect of sales and/or proposed activities, and to permit only such matter and conduct as it approves. Radios, televisions, throat microphones, public address systems, and all other sound-producing devices are subject to the approval of the SCC and shall be controlled so as not to interfere with other Exhibitors or the public. If interference exists or persists, the SCC reserves the right to revoke the Exhibitor’s privilege of using any sound devices at any time. Concessionaire will be notified in writing of such decision.
9. Hours of Operation - Concession booths must be open during these hours:
Show hours: Friday 3pm-10pm
Saturday 10am-9pm
10. Beverages -- Liquor and Drugs - No ales, beer, wine, spirits or intoxicating liquors (including non-alcoholic beer and wine) or drugs, of any kind, shall be kept or sold by Concessionaire in Lewis and Clark Park or anywhere in Stevensville. No beverages sold by Concessionaire shall be in a glass container.
11. Conduct of Concessionaire - Concessionaire shall conduct its business so as not to interfere with the rights of others contracting with the SCC. Specifically, Concessionaire shall not sell or engage in any business or sale of any at the Creamery Picnic other than that which is provided for in Paragraph 5. Concessionaire shall confine all operations to the space granted by this Contract. The SCC reserves the right to prohibit the sale or rental of any item it reasonably deems objectionable from the standpoint of taste, quality or compatibility. If any illegal merchandise violating current copyright law is found it will be removed from the Concessionaire’s booth. Concessions operated by student organizations shall have adult supervision during all hours of operation. Failure to provide proof of adult supervision upon request of the SCC may result in the Concession not being allowed to open, or cause its immediate closure. Any conduct by concessionaire deemed disrespectful to any of the SCC volunteers will be asked to leave immediately, after calculating the fee that is due to the SCC, and will forfeit their deposit.
12. Health Department Regulations for Concessionaires – Following are the safe food handling procedures that must be adhered to during the Creamery Picnic.
Safe Food Handling Procedures
a. No direct hand-to-food contact allowed. Gloves are required for anyone touching ready to eat food.
b. Hand washing is essential, even when wearing gloves. All workers are required to wash their hands after going to the restroom, smoking, handling raw meats and poultry and after handling money. Hands must be washed upon entering the booth and before putting on gloves.
c. Persons with respiratory illnesses (coughing, sneezing, etc.), infected wounds, boils, diarrhea or gastrointestinal illnesses shall not handle food.
d. Wiping cloths must be stored in sanitizer when not in use. (Chlorine = 100 ppm, Iodine = 12.5 ppm, Quaternary ammonium = 200 ppm.) Use test strips to test the strength of the sanitizer.
e. All potentially hazardous foods must be kept either cold (below 45ºF) or hot (above 140ºF). These foods include dairy products (nacho cheese), meat products and eggs.
f. Cook and reheat foods quickly. An internal temperature of 165ºF to 180ºF must be obtained before serving. Use your thermometer - don't guess. After cooking, all foods must be held at 140ºF or above.
g. Avoid leftovers whenever possible.
h. Cooling foods at room temperature is prohibited.
i. Frozen foods must be thawed in a refrigerator/cooler, in cold running water, or as part of the cooking process. Complete cooking must immediately follow microwave thawing.
j. All dishes must be washed, rinsed, sanitized and air-dried - in that order. Do not dry dishes with towels.
k. Food workers must use hair restraints.
l. Keep the booth clean!
13. Employees/Volunteers - Concessionaire is responsible for any claims, liabilities and actions relating to the conduct and representation of personnel in said space. They are required to adhere strictly to all applicable Child Labor Laws. The signer of this contract is responsible for informing workers of the policies, procedures, and rules found in the Contract.
14. Security/Theft Protection – Concession booths are never to be left unattended during operating hours. Concessionaire should cover all valuable items when leaving the booth upon closing. Losses or infractions should be reported to the Stevensville Police Department immediately upon detection. Valuable items in outdoor booths and all other portable items should be removed or properly secured and concealed upon closing. SCC suggests that Concessionaire obtain a temporary insurance policy to cover Concession displays for the period of the Creamery Picnic, as an added protection against possible losses. The SCC and its employees will not be responsible for lost, damaged or stolen merchandise.
15. Fees and Payments - Concessionaire is required to pay their registration fee(s) upon registering. plus any additional electricity usage fees need to be paid on August 2nd prior to final approval and being allowed to set up.
16. Refunds - If a Concessionaire cancels on or before July 15th, 2023 at 5:00 P.M., Concessionaire’s registration amount and any additional electricity usage fee will be refunded. Allow 30 days for refund check issuance. No refund will be required if cancellation is made after July 18th, 2024. If a Contract is cancelled after July 18th, 2024, the request for a refund will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. All requests must be made in writing and are subject to the approval of the SCC.
17. Required Forms - This CONTRACT must be signed by the Concessionaire and returned to the SCC by July 18th, 2024. Verbal discussions are not binding. This contract must be received along with the deposit to secure a position. A conformation will be sent once you have been approved for a space.
18. Violation Process – In the event of a violation of this Contract, the Concessionaire will first receive a verbal warning of a violation and a reasonable amount of time, as determined by SCC, to correct the violation. The time will be based upon the type of violation. If practical, a verbal warning will be followed by a written warning of the violation, the original of which will be given to the Concessionaire, with a copy placed in the Concessionaire’s file. Further action will be determined as deemed appropriate by the SCC, to include but not limited to: 1) a fine; 2) not being invited to return to future SCC events; or 3) being asked to vacate the premises.
19. General Regulations - The SCC reserves the final and absolute right to interpret these rules and to arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions and differences with regard to and in connection with the Creamery Picnic. The SCC also reserves the right to amend or add to these rules as may seem advantageous to the SCC. The SCC also reserves the right to formulate and announce new rules to meet emergencies that may arise later and/or during the Creamery Picnic. The SCC also reserves the right to exclude from Lewis and Clark Park any person or persons that may be deemed undesirable, or who shall otherwise become offensive. Absolutely no overnight camping is allowed on the grounds by Concessionaires’ for any reason, at any time. Absolutely no dogs, with the exception of Service dogs, are allowed on the grounds.
20. Confirmation of Space – You will be sent a confirmation letter with your space reserved. Please bring this confirmation letter with you to the Creamery Picnic.
21. Signing of Contract - By signing this Contract, the Concessionaire agrees to abide by all of the rules and regulations set forth by the SCC. Failure to abide by the rules and regulations may result in the termination of this Contract. Any right or privilege of Concessionaire to sell any product on the grounds of Lewis and Clark Park may be immediately revoked, without refund, if Concessionaire fails or refuses to comply with the terms of this Contract.
Food Vendors: Text
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