August 2nd & 3rd 2024
brought to you by the Stevensville Civic Club
Our Story
In 1907, over 50 local dairymen formed a cooperative creamery in Stevensville, with manager John Howe establishing the creamery's "Gold Bar" butter and ice cream as one of the state's outstanding dairy products.
When a fire gutted the creamery in June 1911, Howe told the community that if they could rebuild the business in 30 days, he would host the biggest celebration they had ever seen.
They came close to the deadline (39 days), and Howe stuck to his word.
There were public speakers and a free lunch, which included "Gold Bar" ice cream and butter, and all of the buttermilk the participants could hold.
Since then, the annual Stevensville Creamery Picnic remains a part of Stevensville's heritage, and is always held the first weekend in August. Creamery Picnic is where our community connects; guests come together for an experience unlike anything else. Now is the time to get in on the action and see for yourself what everyone is talking about.